JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 289

Design Guidelines for Approach Zones include :
• Maximize the length of the approach zone , to provide optimal stacking distance for the traffic queue .
• Reversible lanes can increase throughput and flexibility where space is unavailable for additional lanes .
• Sort traffic by vehicle type . For example : use the farthest right lane for truck traffic . Rejection of these vehicles requires additional space for their larger turning radii .
• Separating vehicles with varying inspection requirements can also increase throughput . For example : authorized personnel could use a separate lane with automated equipment .
• The City of Goldsboro ’ s 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update identifies that Berkley Blvd . at various locations from Seymour Johnson ’ s main gate to US 70 do not meet the City ’ s goal of maintaining an LOS of C or better . The plan included no discussion of Base coordination or plans for addressing vehicle congestion near the Seymour Johnson AFB main gate .
• The amount of room provided for the Seymour Johnson AFB Approach Zone does not have adequate capacity to accommodate queuing vehicles on installation .
Background Report