JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 23

1.4 Why Prepare a Joint Land Use Study ?
Although military installations and nearby communities are separated by a defined property boundary , they often share natural and manmade resources such as land use , airspace , water , and infrastructure . Operational areas such as flight patterns and specialized airspace expand the military influence area footprint beyond defined property boundaries . Despite the many positive interactions among local jurisdictions , agencies , and the military , and because so many resources are shared , the activities or actions of one entity can create unintended impacts on another , resulting in conflicts . As communities develop and expand in response to growth and market demands , land use approvals have the ability to locate potentially incompatible development closer to military installations and operational areas . The result can generate new , or exacerbate existing , land use and other compatibility issues , often referred to as encroachment , which can negatively affect community safety , economic development , and sustainment of military activities and readiness . This threat to military readiness is currently one of the military ’ s greatest concerns .
Collaboration and joint planning among military installations , local jurisdictions , and agencies protects the long‐term viability of existing and future military missions . Working together also enhances local economies and industries before compatibility becomes an issue . Recognizing the close relationship that should exist between installations and adjacent communities , the OEA implemented the JLUS program to mitigate existing and future conflicts and enhance communication and coordination among all affected stakeholders . This program aims to preserve the sustainability of local communities while protecting current and future research , development , acquisition , testing , and missions at Seymour Johnson AFB and DCR .
Public Outreach The JLUS process was designed to create a locall builds consensus and garners stakeholder suppo and objectives , the Seymour Johnson AFB and D public outreach program providing a variety of p interested parties .
Stakeholders An early step in any planning process is stakehol and involving them early is instrumental to ident resolving their most important issues through th strategies and measures . Stakeholders include in organizations , and governmental entities interes affecting the outcome of the JLUS document . St Seymour Johnson AFB and DCR JLUS include :
• Local jurisdictions ( counties , cities , and to
• DOD officials ( including OEA representativ personnel
• Local , county , regional , and state planning management agencies
• Landholding and regulatory federal agenc
• The public ( including residents , businesse
• Environmental advocacy organizations
• Nongovernmental organizations ( NGOs )
• Other special interest groups ( including lo and school districts )
Background Report