JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 144

established and Airport District ( AP ), in order to ensure compatible operations with numerous airport facilities and agricultural land uses that surround the facilities .
Zoning districts ; RA20 , R15S , R9S , RMF , RMH , RHD , B2 , B3 , B4 , I1 , I2 , and CP have a maximum height of 50 feet . Institutional and commercial districts O & I and B1H have a maximum height of 96 feet .
A review of the zoning ordinance has identified the following concerns related to military compatibility :
• Seymour Johnson AFB is not recognized in the city ’ s zoning ordinance .
• The AP District does not have a maximum height standard .
• Telecommunication towers and / or wind energy developments and their heights are not stated within the ordinance .
Source : City of Washington Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision Ordinance The City of Washington ’ s Subdivision Ordinance is designed to provide an economically stable and balanced development within the city . The subdivision regulations do not include provisions related to the impacts from overflight of military aircraft .
Source : City of Washington Subdivision Ordinance
Building Code City of Washington follows the 2012 and 2015 North Carolina Uniform Statewide Building Code . The City of Washington Building Code does not include provisions for sound attenuation as it relates to sound transmission from external noise sources to the internal spaces within a building .
Annexations and Easements Property owners within the City of Washington a easement agreement with an organization or pu can grant the right to enforce restrictions and m example , an avigation easement protects the us specified height . Programs typically compensate easements due to the loss of use of land . Curren easements within Washington .
The City of Washington has the power to annex contiguous to its primary corporate limits . North methods of annexation , city‐initiated , by petition residents , and by act of the General Assembly .
4.7 Other References
In the interest of land use compatibility between community , the DOD Office of Economic Adjustm interest groups , such as the National Association prepared educational documents and videos tha public about encroachment issues and methods existing or future compatibility concerns . Some published to inform the public on land use comp follows :
Guides The Practical Guide to Compatible Civilian Develo Installations ( July 2007 ), OEA This guide offers general information on commu encroachment issues . The guide can be found at
Source : City of Washington Building Code
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