JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 141

needs . Furthermore the comprehensive plan states , “ Consideration of sufficient demand / capacity support for the base should be a continuous factor in decision making for both the City and the County .”
Goldsboro ’ s Comprehensive Plan established future land use sectors including 28 City of Goldsboro and 12 Wayne County zoning districts ; Neighborhood Business ( NB ), Highway Business ( HB ), Shopping Center ( SC ), General Business ( GB ), Airport Business ( AB ), Community shopping District ( CS ), Office‐Residence ( OR ), Office and Institutional 1 ( O & I‐1 ), Office and Institutional 2 ( O & I‐2 ), I‐1 Light Industry , I‐2 General Industry , IBP‐1 Industrial and Business Park 1 , IBP‐2 Industrial and Business Park 2 , LI Light Industrial District , HI Heavy Industrial District , AI Airport‐Industry District , CBD Central Business District , Village District , R‐6 Residential , RM‐8 Residential , R‐9 Residential , R‐12 Residential , R‐9SF Residential , RM‐9 Residential , R‐12SF Residential , R‐16 Residential , R‐10 Residential District , R‐15 Residential District , R‐20 Residential , R‐40 Residential , RA‐20 Residential‐Agriculture District , AG Agricultural , R‐20A Residential , RA‐20 Residential‐Agriculture District , RA‐30 Residential Agriculture District , APZ Accident Potential Zone , Noise District Overlay , AP Airport District , Airport Height Overlay District .
Noise District Overlay , APZ Accident Potential Zone , Airport District , and Airport Height Overlay District were found compatible with Seymour Johnson AFB and its operations since they incorporate the installations AICUZ land use , noise contours and height limitation recommendations .
The following goals and policies support Seymour Johnson AFB :
Goal 3 : Vigorously support and preserve Seymour Johnson Air Force Base .
I . 9 The City of Goldsboro will discourage commercial development which interferes with safe adequate access to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base . Goals : 3 , 6
I . 47 The City and County will consider pr development of conflicting incompatible vicinity of Seymour Johnson AFB . Goal : 3
Relating to Goal 3 , the City of Goldsboro states t notifying Seymour Johnson AFB Commander and rezoning requests . Additionally , the city is to con with Seymour Johnson AFB before approving a p Coordination between the city and Seymour Joh the protection of the installation and the surrou
Source : City of Goldsboro Comprehensive Plan , 2013 Unified Development Ordinance
The City of Goldsboro Unified Development Ord document containing the Zoning Code , Subdivisi development review processes and procedures
Zoning Code , Chapter 5 The City of Goldsboro Zoning Ordinance divides districts . The ordinance recognizes Seymour Joh stating :
No structure shall exceed the applicable established by the Seymour Johnson Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone ” ( AIC Force AICUZ height restrictions are base in Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) and are documented in the U . S . Departm document “ Unified Facility Criteria 3‐26 Heliport Planning and Design " or the ap limitations of the Goldsboro‐Wayne Mu
Background Report