JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 114

resources and their habitat . The Refuge System maintains the biological integrity , diversity and environmental health of these natural resources , which involves controlling or eradicating invasive species , using fire in a prescribed manner , assuring adequate water resources , and assessing external threats like development or contamination .
The Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge located in East Lake , NC has been designated a protected area and is managed by the USFWS .
Noise Control Act of 1972 The Noise Control Act of 1972 identified that noise not adequately controlled has the potential of endangering the health and welfare of people . It states that all Americans are entitled to an environment free from noise that can jeopardize their general health and quality of life . Along with state , local , and territorial governments , actions from the federal government were needed to ensure that the objectives of the Act were met .
Concurrently , military installations were experiencing the impacts from encroaching urban development located adjacent to the installation and the resulting complaints regarding noise from military flight operations . In 1973 , the DOD responded by establishing the AICUZ program .
The Noise Control Act and the AICUZ program are important because encroaching development and increased population near military installations often creates compatibility issues . As communities grow , it is important that the military installation , developers , and the communities work together to mitigate the issue of noise and develop ways to coexist successfully .
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 The National Historic Preservation Act ( NHPA ) of 1966 requires federal agencies to consider the effects of a proposed project on properties listed in , or eligible for listing in , the National Register of Historic Places ( NRHP ).
Because no specific action is being proposed as p the review of cultural resources is focused on th resources and not potential effects that would r proposed action .
Currently there are no resources or sites eligible
Partners in Flight Program The DOD has implemented a program entitled P and enhances the military testing , training , and s habitat‐based management strategies . The prog managers in monitoring , inventory , research , an their habitats . As part of the Partners in Flight p created that can be incorporated into a BASH pla beyond the boundaries of the installation to faci partnerships and determine the current status o the further endangerment of birds .
Range Air Installations Compatible The Range Air Installations Compatible Use Zone used to identify safety zones and noise contours related operations and training exercises such as bombing practice conducted on a range . The pr to provide local government and land managem recommended land uses to protect the general w impacts related to military training and operatio of the military mission and readiness .
The Navy completed a RAICUZ report for Dare C The noise contours from this report have been in
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