JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 107

Comprehensive Environmental Response , Compensation , and Liability Act This law was designed to assist in the clean‐up of sites with hazardous contaminants to respond directly to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment . The Comprehensive Environmental Response , Compensation , and Liability Act :
• established prohibitions and requirements concerning closed and abandoned hazardous waste sites ,
• provided for liability of persons responsible for releases of hazardous waste at these sites , and
• established a trust fund to provide for cleanup when no responsible party could be identified .
The Comprehensive Environmental Response , Compensation , and Liability Act has relevance as a potential JLUS tool through the Superfund environmental program , established to address hazardous waste sites . Hazardous waste is sometimes present in or around military installations , particularly where munitions and ordnance are stored and used for training purposes , and if not disposed of properly could be potentially harmful to the installation tenants and surrounding communities . While the Superfund cleanup process may be complex , it protects communities and the environment from further contamination .
Clean Air Act The Clean Air Act ( CAA ) of 1970 , 42 U . S . C . 7401 et seq ., amended in 1977 and 1990 , is the primary federal statute governing air pollution . The CAA designates six pollutants as criteria pollutants , for which National Ambient Air Quality Standards ( NAAQS ) have been promulgated to protect public health and welfare . The six criteria pollutants are particulate matter ( PM10 and PM2.5 ), carbon monoxide , sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide , lead , and ozone .
The ambient air quality standards include primar The primary standards are established at levels t an adequate margin of safety . The secondary sta more stringent levels in order to protect the pub
Currently , all of the jurisdictions in the Study Are criteria pollutants . However , maintaining attainm Johnson AFB because if the local region is not in pollutants , certain missions may have to be adju regional air has improved to acceptable levels .
Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act ( CWA ) governs the manage controls and monitors water pollution in the US . goals of eliminating the release of toxic substanc water pollution to ensure that surface waters m so doing the CWA prevents the contamination o and surface water sources .
The Clean Water Act has the ability to impact Se a clean and reliable source of water is necessary Decreases in water supply or quality could limit o operations , which ultimately could jeopardize m
Coastal Zone Management Act of 19 The Coastal Zone Management Act ( CZMA ) of 19 as amended ) encourages states , in cooperation agencies , to develop land and water use program CZMA was initially created in 1972 and is admini Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA Resource Management . The CZMA provides a pr federal actions for consistency with their own ap program . It also provides approved states with m
Background Report