JLL Welcome to Retail in the U.S. and Canada JLL-Welcome to Retail in the U.S. and Canada | Page 8

Retailer demand in major gateway cities Your brand is ready to expand to the U.S. and Canada, but where are the right opportunities? Welcome to your guide on the local climate in the region’s top retail cities. s.f./p.a $3,500 $3,074 $3,000 $2,600 $2,500 $2,449 $1,850 $2,000 $700 $632 $500 $460 $440 $420 $420 $330 $320 $300 $300 $220 $200 $710 $850 $890 $978 $1,049 $1,000 $1,500 Rental growth outlook Prime High Street Rents Source: JLL Global Retail City Profiles (2018); Note: Values come from Q2 2018. $0