Threat Intelligence Challenges...
About our Data...
One of the biggest complaints from customers has been that information provided by threat intelligence vendors is outdated, not accurate, or irrelevant to their particular use case. All data in our platform is verified by seasoned security analyst before publication. In addition, after publication, our data is checked against honeypot data, SANS attack data, Virus Total, and several other open source and private data sources to verify that the threat from the IOC still exist. If a threat has subsided we mark the indicator inactive.
Furthermore, we have a unique focus on threat data that does not change. For instance, an IP address is what we term as a portable IOC. These IOCs usefulness is time limited. IP addresses change often yet, our security devices are set to use that type of information. Threat feeds must be constantly validated and that is what sets us apart from our competition.
The amount of data generated by Threat Intelligence Platforms is growing. Years ago we could track threats in a database but that is not the case these days. Today it takes large investments in Big Data platforms to effectively collect, analyze, and process the huge amounts of data generated by attacks, vulnerabilities, and open source indicators.
Customers need solutions that work and integrate easily into their existing environments while maximizing existing investments. Jigsaw Security provides plug and play solutions that do not require upgrades to your existing systems. Our products work with your existing products to maximize the benefit of those products using open standards and common formats for integration of our solutions.
There are many providers of intelligence "Feeds" out there however, they only provide the data and it is up to you to integrate these solutions into your environment. Our goal from day one was to provide solutions that were platform agnostic and do not lock you into a particular vendor or solution, while increasing the effectiveness of your existing systems.
We give the customer the tools, software, and support needed to use threat intelligence products effectively. Many of our products and services were created from requests directly from our customers and business partners. We have implemented a solution that will scale and that can support your security staff, security operations, and analyst within your organization. We know we can improve the security of your organization.