Succeeding consists of...
1. Asking for HELP!
This can be a difficult transition for students who have had success in high school or previous institutions. With a tough curriculum and a reputation for being a challenging place, Hopkins also has resources at your disposal. Put your EGO at the door and understand that asking for help is a norm at Hopkins. With great resources like Pilot, The Learning Den, and Sunday Sessions at OMA, it is almost unintelligent to take advantage of such opportunities.
2. Being Balanced and Zen-like
Whether you are juggling 16 credits (or more), participating in extra-curriculars, or volunteering, it is imperative you maintain a realistic approach to your success plan. Your happiness depends upon how well you manage your time and activities. While focusing on good study habits, a good rule of thumb is to get involved in 2 or 3 organizations/activities as a member. Utilize services like the Counseling Center, APTT (A Place to Talk), Academic Advising, Pre-Professional Advising, Center for Social Concern and the Office of Multicultural Affairs will give you a consistent support system to actualize your success story.
3. Take your education (seriously, sort of) and don't be afraid
Go to every class...you are paying for it. Be present physically and mentally. This will translate in an attitude that will breed A's. Becoming disciplined (or close to it) will allow you to enjoy weekends with friends or catch up on some needed sleep. Create strategies for each class to absorb the material and be prepared for tests, mid-terms, and finals.
TALK TO YOUR PROFESSORS! They won't bite and hold office hours weekly for students. Showing your beautiful face often during office hours can be the difference between an A or an A-. Do NOT obsess over failure or a disappointing grade. Become proactive and discuss with your professor or TA about what you got wrong and ask for suggestions on studying better.
4. SET GOALS (Long-term and Short-Term)
Setting goals for the semester, Spring semester, next academic year, and beyond can be anxiety ridden, but it is a necessary task to accomplish early. Short-term goals consist of having an action plan to find a job, save money for a Spring Break trip, developing an amazing resume or simply finding viable resources/methods for studying for your dreaded Organic Chemistry class. Long-term goals look to your career goals, Study Abroad opportunities, establishing your own company, or even researching your future graduate school.
There are more ways to stay ahead of the curve throughout your time at Hopkins. Please share with us your methods, plans, and things you do to ensure success at Hopkins by e-mail us at [email protected].