For the past 20 years, MAPP (Mentoring Assistance Peer Program) has been a premier first year freshman mentoring program that has served thousands of underrepresented Johns Hopkins University students. The program is catered to assist many underrepresented students with academic excellence, career development, social connectivity, cultural exploration, and community involvment. Each freshman who participates in the program will be assigned an upperclassman who is dedicated to providing continual support and will provide programmatic opportunities. MAPP mentors are selected and trained to support students dealing with many first year experiences that shape your most formative year in college.
SEED (Students Educating and Empowering for Diversity) is a group of carefully selected and dedicated students who are trained by professional staff to raise campus awareness of racism, sexism and other types of bigotry or intolerance. SEED works with student organizations and in the classroom to heighten sensitivity to these issues. By facilitating cultural competency workshops. SEED assists groups by increasing dialogue on these issues, effective facilitation, provide goal setting and/or creating action plans that foster diversity.
The mission of M.O.C.H.A. (Men of Color Hopkins Alliance) is to assist and support undergraduate men of color in successfully completing their degree program at the Johns Hopkins University. The mission also reflects graduate men of color and other degree programs at the Johns Hopkins University. The key principles are academic excellence, mentorship, professionalism, community service, and brotherhood. Every program, workshop, and activity surrounds the principles and always upholds the mission of the organization. Membership in M.O.C.H.A. is designated as an undergraduate member, graduate member, alumni member, faculty, staff, and administration. We are not limiting the mentorship to just Alumni. Faculty and staff on campus are just as invested in the students and we want them to have part. Currently, the executive leadership of the organization consists of the Presidents of the affinity groups on campus and core elected officials.
OMA MASC Residents
The MASC (Multicultural Affairs Student Center) houses 14 multicultural organizations that utilize the center for events, organizational meetings, and educational resources. Each residential group has designated office space to conduct business or produce important programming collaborations.