Student Profile:
Kimberly Hilson
Major: Sociology
Class of 2014
All throughout my high school experience, I was always one of a few minority students in my classes, and even in my school. My primary extracurricular activity was field hockey, a sport that is significantly lacking in racial and ethnic diversity. Essentially, outside of church activities and family friends, I never really had a group of close friends that I identified with, who shared some of my same beliefs and values.
Prior to my arrival at Hopkins, I learned about the MAPP program that is run out of OMA, and I was eager to be involved, as I knew it would be an amazing way for me to get involved with a diverse group of people, in term of background and beliefs, who valued diversity. Hopkins is a predominately white university, so I knew it would be a great opportunity to get to know other students “like me.” Within my first month, I had made so many friends, of backgrounds similar to mine and different from mine. I remember excitedly calling my mom and telling her that I had made so many friends and that I didn’t feel like I was “alone” at Hopkins.
Since my days as a freshman, I have made it a priority to immerse myself in clubs and organizations that celebrate diversity and promote unity among students of similar backgrounds on campus, especially through organizations run out of the Office for Multicultural Affairs, such as MAPP and the BSU. Through these organizations, I have met so many wonderful people who I know will be friends for life.
In the nearly four years that I’ve been a student here, I have seen great increases in diversity among the student body. I am so thankful for the connections and friends that I have made through my experiences at the Office of Multicultural Affairs.