INTERNATIONAL ACCORD New Wave Group has signed the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry . The original Accord – or the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh – came into force in 2013 , only weeks after the Rana Plaza disaster where a factory building collapsed . New Wave Group signed the agreement , which was a legally binding agreement for improved safety in the textile industry in Bangladesh with focus on structural , electrical and fire safety . The agreement meant , among other things , that factories undergo electrical and building inspections as well as training and education in fire safety . Now the original Accord has developed into the International Accord , which New Wave Group has also signed . In addition to fire and building safety , the International Accord also covers general work environment , and the ambition is to expand the program to other production countries , hence the name change . The Accord is a unique initiative that has a significant impact on the daily life of millions of textile workers . We are proud to be a part of this initiative .
CODE OF CONDUCT – AMFORI BSCI Our Code of Conduct summarizes what we expect from all our suppliers when it comes to social and environmental responsibility . It contains requirements such as minimum wage , working hours , prohibition of child labor and several other requirements from global frameworks such as the ILO Conventions and the UN Declaration of Human Rights . Through New Wave Group we are a member of amfori BSCI ( Business Social Compliance Initiative ) and have adopted the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct . Today , more than 2000 companies all over the world have joined amfori BSCI and have adopted the code . Together we reach out to approximately 30 000 unique suppliers worldwide , which empowers our voice and influence in social dialogue . In addition to internal audits and supplier visits , we are obliged to implement and follow up the Code of Conduct through third-party audits . Amfori BSCI is a commitment , and the most important work begins when the inspection is completed , and the findings are to be remedied . Therefore , it is not permitted to use amfori BSCI as a label or a guarantee for individual products . The amfori BSCI logo may only be used to prove membership so that the customer can feel confident that we take long-term responsibility - even for suppliers who need to improve .
RECYCLING FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY To collect and recycle waste packages is a wonderful way to reduce environmental impact and create cradle-to-cradle circulation . We embrace the national collecting system where we operate . In Sweden , we are affiliated with FTI ( Förpackningsinsamlingen ) and comply with Producer Responsibility obligations .
PREPARING FOR UPCOMING LEGISLATIONS Driven by the European Grean Deal , we are facing many new laws and regulations related to sustainability the coming years . For example , the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ( CSRD ), and the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation ( ESPR ). All place higher demands on traceability and transparency and will have a great impact on our operations in the future . Therefore , we put a lot of focus on working our processes and introducing support systems to be able to manage increased demands on information and transparency .
To learn more about our work with Sustainability , visit www . jobmantexet . se * Source : Mistra Future Fashion 2019