J.Harvest & Frost Autumn/Winter 2019 | Page 9

2 0 1 9 | J . H A RV E S T & F RO S T | 7 j.harves t & f ro s t R E GUL A R 2912001 s –4xl SLIM FIT 291 2002 xs–xxl WOMAN 2912003 xs–4xl red bow 120 550 INDIGO The perfect shirt for any occasion. With the characteristic indigo color, our famous non- iron fine twill fabric, can remind you of a smart denim shirt. It is set up with a tone in tone pais- ley contrast pattern in collar & cuff, and white details in placket & button tread. This is the typical Redbow line shirt. Clas- sical, yet detailed, giving the shirt a modern sophisticated look. • Indigo-blue color, fine twill • Semi cut away collar • 100% Cotton. Long staple 2-ply Compact Cot- • Long sleeve. Single angel-cuff, with extra button- ton for the best possible result • Machine washable • Non-iron patented environmental treatment • Split back yoke ensures smooth contoured shoulders, and a greater range of motion • Taped main-seams help the shirt look sharp and neat wash after wash. No wrinkles hole for cufflinks • Tall, 4 mm-thick buttons give a substantial and modern feeling • Curved hem.