JFK Student Handbook 2021-22 | Page 2

JFK School Community , Greetings ! We hope you had a restful and relaxing summer break .
We want to welcome our new students and parents / guardians to our JFK School Community ! We look forward to establishing a strong partnership with our parents and guardians to ensure your child experiences success . Utilizing a holistic approach , we are hopeful our students will take advantage of the knowledge , resources , and tools our educators provide . We are excited to meet our new students and reconnect with our returning students . Additionally , we look forward to connecting and reconnecting with our parents and guardians . Please know that we are fully vested in your child and will facilitate their educational journey with respect , diligence , and dignity . In turn , we ask for your support and active participation in this shared endeavor . Through our shared allegiance , your child will feel and understand that their best interest and success is our priority .
The 2021-22 school year is a return to normalcy with five day in-person learning ; however , we will continue with COVID-related procedures and protocols . Wearing an approved mask while in the building is required ( Center for Disease Control mask guidance ). We will continue to offer mask breaks and ventilate areas when possible . Lunch is the only time masks will not be required . Our cafeteria area is sectioned off by large divider walls thus creating separate eating areas .
We will do everything reasonably possible to ensure students are three feet apart – we will also utilize outdoor spaces when construction permits . If you want to learn more about our social distancing guidelines , Connecticut ’ s Department of Public Health provides school specific information HERE . In addition , the CDC has published updated guidance concerning distancing and preventive measures . Creating space , procedural safeguards , and effective mitigation strategies are our best lines of defense against the spread of COVID .
* In an effort to keep our school community as safe as possible , we ask that you keep your child home if they display any signs or symptoms related to COVID . We respectfully request that you communicate this information to our nurses as it will assist with any contact tracing that may be required .
We understand that parents / guardians are fluttered with paperwork and school-related materials at the start of a school year . We attempted to organize these important items in a manner that hopefully you find informative and user friendly . The table of contents below are hyperlinked .