JFK June Newsletter | Page 3

Schedule Changes

The Enfield Board of Education recently adjusted our last four days of school to Early Release days ( Monday 6 / 20 to Thursday 6 / 23 ). After receiving lunch , students will be dismissed at 1 pm .


A very special thank you to our JFK PTO for recognizing our educators last month . On behalf of JFK , thank you !
The student vs educator basketball game was a success . We were able to reconnect with community members and host a fun-filled evening for our school community . Again , thank you to our PTO and BOE for supporting this great event !
Last , a very special thank you to Mrs . Beth Ouellette who has served as our PTO president for the last few years . Mrs . Ouellette volunteered her time to lead the PTO and organize multiple fundraising efforts . Her impact on JFK is undeniable . On behalf of our school community , THANK YOU !


We will not collect iPads at the conclusion of the school year ; however , we will need to install a vital update prior to summer break . If you plan to move or disenroll from the Enfield Pubic Schools for the 2022-23 school year , please turn in your device prior to the last day of school . If you are returning , your child will keep their device over the summer break . If your child is a grade 8 student , they will relinquish their device to Enfield High School at the start of their 2022-23 school year . Upon doing so , they will be issued a new iPad . For our current grade 6 and 7 students , we will collect the old iPads and reissue new devices at the beginning of our school year . The logistics for this turnover will be addressed in our summer communication .

Educator Recommendation Forms

School Counselors met with students to review educator course recommendations . On Monday , June 6 students will receive these forms . Based on educator recommendations and at your child ’ s request , this form outlines their anticipated course load for the 2022-23 school year . Please