Jewish Life Digital Edition September 2015 | Page 70

SUKKOT 5776 MITZVAH THE TALMUD TEACHES1 THAT HASHEM CALLS THE mitzvah of sukkah: “An easy mitzvah.” And, if we think about it for just a moment, we’ll see why. After all, it’s not meant to be an expensive mitzvah: the walls of the sukkah2 can be made out of literally anything. Visit Brooklyn, New York, sometime and you’ll see walls made from two-litre Coke bottles, cold drink crates, Lego, you name it. And the walls can even be pre-existing. In other words, the walls of the sukkah don’t have to be built specially for the sukkah. The schach, the ‘roof’ of the sukkah, is actually meant to be taken from the leftover husks that would be found on the threshing room floor after the harvest, which conveniently occurs at that time of year. Even more importantly, we don’t have 66 JEWISH LIFE ■ ISSUE 88 Hashem uniquely tailors His commandments for us to tap into I BY ROBERT SUSSMAN to do very much to fulfil the mitzvah of sukkah! The Shulchan Aruch, the famous Code of Jewish Law, authored by Rabbi Yosef Karo, asks3: “How does one fulfil the mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah?” And he answers: “A person eats and drinks; sleeps and rests; and lives in [the sukkah] all seven days, both day and night just like he lives in his home during the rest of the year.” In other words, Hashem wants us to do what we normally do each day – we can even do it in the very same way – we just need to do it in a different place! And the amazing thing is that the mitzvah is, in large part, one that’s entirely dependent on our own choice to fulfil it. Although sukkos lasts for seven days, we’re actually only obligated to have one meal in the sukkah4 – on the first night, which is why we always hope that it won’t rain that night and, in the event that it does rain, it’s why we have to wait until a break in the rain to at least have a portion of our meal in the sukkah. Barring the consumption of certain types and quantities of foods, however, we can actually avoid being in the sukkah the rest of the days of sukkos! C’MON GET HAPPY I think the mitzvah of sukkah serves as a perfect example of just how much Hashem loves us and how He expresses that love by tailoring His mitzvos so they make the most of things we would be doing anyway; for example, eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. And He even times PHOTOGRAPH: BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM An easy