Jewish Life Digital Edition October 2015 | Page 6

Jewish Life CONTENTS ISSUE 89 ■ OCTOBER 2015 OUR COMMUNITY, OUR WORLD 8 Jewish Life OUR COMMUNITY, OUR WORLD UPFRONT 6 Jewish Life 8 OUR COMMUNITY, OUR WORLD 34 Round Up News from around the world Inside Story The wandering Jew, the act of theft, and innovative Israel FEATURES Jewish Life OUR COMMUNITY, OUR WORLD 12 16 18 TOTALLY TEEN 12-24 This issue is dedicated to the teens, who finally get their turn to talk. Find out what makes the gap year in Israel so special, and discover why Encounter is where it’s at! Plus, a serious look at why drugs and the teenage brain make a lethal combination. 20 32 36 40 44 64 36 26 2 JEWISH LIFE ■ ISSUE 89 Jewish identity What does being Jewish mean post bar/bat mitzvah? Handle with care The teenage brain and drugs don’t go together Encountering Israel A life-changing experience Mind the gap Israel is the ideal destination for the gap year Scene at… Recent local events – where were you? Israel in context It’s not personal, it’s business Dress for success Clothes really do make the man Deal of a lifetime When opportunity knocks Chesed around the world The power of a Shabbat dinner