Jewish Life Digital Edition March 2015 | Page 8

LETTERS SAY WHAT? fEmail the editor at [email protected] HAVE YOUR SAY… Let’s leave this society shinning and impearled. ESTY BLUMENAU Mazeltov! Esty wins The Bird’s Head Haggada – A pop-up edition adapted from The Bird’s Head Haggada in the Israel Museum, published by Koren Publishers AVID READER The Kosher Foodie literally makes me salivate each month. The combination of mouth-watering FANCY recipes, which DRESSED are so innovative FOOD Dress up your food and fresh, and the this purim delicious-looking design that makes the food seem so tangible and NIFTY AND NOVEL IDEAS FOR MISHLOACH MANOT! real, is truly a treat for almost all the senses! Well done to the foodie ed and designer – they’re doing a fantastic job! The Purim issue was something special; I think it must take some really patient and creative parents to put in all that effort to ‘dress up’ food for their kids… something to aspire to, when I find the time ;) Thek sher foodie 4 ISSUE 4 FEBRUARY 2015 PAGES OF FOODIE FUN FOR YOUR KIDS THIS PURIM, INCLUDING RED VELVET HAMANTASCHEN. PHOTOGRAPH: BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM The society we live in is not okay, It’s where young people want to die today. One word, one joke, one comment, one sneer Can all end up in self-harm and fear. Society expects perfect bodies and faces, To be better than others, they’re always having races. In this society no one’s ever good enough And most peoples lives are very, very tough. It’s a place where people judge, criticise, abuse and hurt. It’s a place where imperfect people get treated like dirt. The work is overwhelming and the people are insane, People go to sleep not wanting to wake up again. A bad day, a bad week, a bad month, a bad year, “A bad day doesn’t mean a bad life,” they tell her. But how can she believe them now After they joked and called her a fat cow. Society breaks many people these days, Society can destroy in many different ways. We all have a turn either breaking others, or others breaking us A better way to live we need to discuss. We must change ourselves to change the world, Thank you so much for your feature on the Har Nof and Paris massacres, and the Jewish response to tragedy. Each writer tackled the subject with amazing tact and faith. At a time when Jewish communities worldwide are increasingly coming under GF6