fEmail the editor at [email protected]
It is with great pride that I compliment you
and your team on an excellent edition of the
Jewish Life. Each of the 67 editions of your magazine
has been such a good read, but the 68th, the Holiday
Edition, Chanukah, for me, has been very special. It
is true that at the end of a year, I can put my feet up
and derive the full benefit of each article. It is difficult
for me to single out one article, but I have found each
one well written, interesting and appropriate. As a
part of a rainbow nation, it is heart-warming to read
about the wonderful work our community does for
the less privileged, no matter colour or creed .What is
so nice is the inclusion of
opinions from our youth.
Articles on Israel have
been interesting. Thanks
to Bev Goldman. Our Jewish
educational institutions are
providing our children with a
superb spectrum of activities.
Well done! The national and
international articles were also
very inspiring. The charity work
done by so many selfless people is amazing! Thank
you, Rabbi Goldman, for the warm article written
about your family. You touched a very sensitive chord
when you spoke about emigration. Yes, we have made
a decision to share our Pesach with our lovely family
from Israel and Australia in South Africa. Chanukah
has been a very good time to ‘rekindle sparks of
peace’ and light, in our busy lives and to connect with
our Judaism. We, as the Jewish community, are very
fortunate to have a publication of this calibre, and I
look forward to the next edition with equal interest.
Warm wishes
I enjoy reading your magazine. I keep each
copy on my desk, and so I have plenty of them in
front of me. When I am looking for a certain topic,
I open the magazines and I read the relevant
topic needed. Toda for enriching my life.
Ten Term ́