Jewish Life Digital Edition February 2014 | Page 22

FEATURE DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES OPEN YOUR HEART, MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD AND STOP THE ABUSE WITH KOLEINU SA BY HEIDI HURWITZ OFTEN, WE DON’T WANT TO HEAR THE VOICES, BECAUSE WE DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS IS IN OUR COMMUNITY. WE DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE, BECAUSE IF WE BELIEVE, THAT MEANS EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS TO ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MAKING A CHANGE. provide an anonymous and confidential space for victims to turn to for help. Helplines have been implemented throughout the world, and are an important first step in combating the scourge of abuse. “Worldwide, helplines are considered better than no intervention at all, but are far secondary to psychotherapy. Hence, the helpline is not a counselling service, but rather a hand-holding experience for the caller so that she can be heard, supported emotionally, and empowered to seek the appropriate help.” Koleinu means ‘our voice’, and Wendy Hendler and Rozanne Sack, co-founders of Koleinu, are giving women a chance to find their voices, and be heard, instead of suffer- ing in silence. “Abuse is on the increase worldwide, and no community is immune,” say Hendler and Sack. “Whether it is physical, emotional, financial, sexual or spiritual abuse, very often the victim is either too frightened or too ashamed to come forward. Very often, the victim is not even aware that she is in an abusive relationship.” Hendler and Sack explain that the helpline will empower the caller to regain some form of control: “The caller has control over the conversation; the caller may not be ready to go for therapy, as she is feeling too overwhelmed, or she may feel that therapy is too revealing. As such, the Koleinu volunteer will offer support until the caller is in a better place to seek professional help.” * name is fictitious 18 JEWISH LIFE ISSUE 70 PHOTOGRAPH: BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM RACHEL* HAS FOUR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 10. She got married the day after her 21st birthday, and went to live with her husband in his home country, far away from her family, her friends, or any form of support system. The abuse began shortly after her first child was born, and has escalated since then. Her husband began by using emotional and verbal abuse, slowly wh