Jewish Life Digital Edition February 2014 | Page 19

MITZVOT OF THE DAY PHOTOGRAPH: SUPPLIED THE CHEV IS YOUR ONE-STOP ADDRESS FOR FULFILLING THESE TWO IMPORTANT PURIM DAY MITZVOT: KOLEINU SA – VITAL INFO ing: “I am hiding but no one is looking for me!” G-d, too, complains, as it were, “I am hiding, but My people do not seek Me.” G-d’s ways are often hidden. We do not readily comprehend why things happen the way they happen. We think that if we were G-d, we would do things in a different way. In these tension-filled days for Israel and the Jewish people around the world, we can take comfort in the idea that although the Hand of G-d is not clearly seen, He remains in charge of His world. “Behold the Protector of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps” (Psalms 121:4). He is concealed, but He is ever-present. He may be difficult to perceive, but we take comfort in G-d’s future promise that “I will no longer hide my face from them” (Ezekiel 39:29). JL Printed with permission from, the leading Judaism website MATANOT L’EVYONIM – charity to the poor of your city. This mitzvah is synonymous with the Chev’s work and they make it accessible and easy for you to accomplish. As in previous years, Chev volunteers will be visible in Jewish suburbs on Purim day in their purple t-shirts and crazy costumes, under purple canopies with giant (yes, purple) tzedakah boxes. You can also donate online: using your credit card or via their call centre, which will be manned by volunteers around the clock for the 24 hours of Purim: 011 5329667/8 or SMS 37613 and they will call you back. The Beth Din has endorsed the Chev’s Purim efforts, confirming that they fill the highest standards of halachic criteria. A common misconception is that Matanot l’Evyonim has to be given on Purim day when, in fact, it can be given beforehand… Last year, 17 shuls participated in this drive. Thousands of enthusiastic donors generated a sense of unity resulting in donations totalling many hundreds of thousands, which were distributed to 506 needy families on Purim day. This year the Chev plans to expand all previous efforts by including more shuls, providing more hotspots and reaching more donors. If you would like to be involved and help the Chev spread the word this Purim, please contact [email protected]. za or call 011 532 9628. Remember, the Chev knows the people in need, and can get your donations to them in the most private and confidential way. MISHLOACH MANOT – join the Chev on the campuses at Sandringham Gardens, Selwyn Segal and Our Parents Home to hand out gifts of ready-to-eat foods to the Chev’s residents and create a joyous Purim vibe. The Chev will encourage children from Jewish schools throughout the city to come along too. As always, a festive Purim meal will be offered to all residents, and welfare recipients will collect special food parcels and cash. Remember that Mishloach Manot is available for purchase from the Selwyn Segal Gift Shop (011 640 6413) and from the Finkelstein TLC (011 483 7531). In the true spirit of Purim, all donations received on the day will be distributed to those who need it most! We will be open from 9am until 5pm on Sunday 16 March to assist you all in fulfilling one of the key mitzvot of the day! Nedbank | Y