Jewish Life Digital Edition February 2014 | Page 16

PURIM 5774 PURIM BY NUMBERS 0 times that G-d’s name is mentioned in the Book of Esther 2 parties Esther asks Achashverosh to throw for her and Haman 3 days of fasting by the Jews prior to Esther going to see King Achashverosh to fulfil on Purim – reading the Book of Esther, Matanot 4 mitzvot to the poor), Mishloach Manot (gifts of food) and feastingL’evyonim (money 9 years in which the Purim story unfolds the lots 13 date in Nissan that Haman castkill the Jews fell out date in Adar that the decree to name appears in the of Esther 54 times that Haman’sthe names of Haman’sBooksons letters spelling out ten provinces that Achashverosh 127 years that our matriarch Sarahruled lived 180 days that Achashverosh’s party in Shushan lasted 240 numerical value of the Hebrew words “Amalek” and “doubt” (safek) 502 numerical value for both phrases: “cursed be Haman” and “blessed be Mordechai” 2 369 years ago that the Purim story took place /Happy Purim from! For more Purim insights, visit 12 JEWISH LIFE ISSUE 70 PHOTOGRAPH: BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM letters in the “Al HaNisim” prayer recited on Purim