Jewish Life Digital Edition February 2013 | Page 6

LETTERS SAY WHAT? HAVE YOUR SAY… fEmail the editor at [email protected] WIN March’s star letter writer will win a copy of My Friend the Bully. See page 72 for the full review. There are countless people living among us who are extraordinary. They are people in our community who have overcome enormous odds to survive, who fight a battle everyday to survive, and whose lives, while very ordinary, are inspiring. The extraordinary people who live among us, that’s who should be our heroes. We have lost the plot when we pin our hopes and dreams on those “fallen heroes”, the sports stars and Hollywood actors, when in actual fact the real heroes live with us, regular ordinary people facing the challenges of every day with tenacity, perseverance, faith and courage. These are the people who should be our heroes; they are facing the world and all it has to offer, the good and bad. They are teaching us to say “yes to life”, they are the ones who should be receiving our praise and our gratitude; their names should be making the headlines. They face ongoing battles with illness, loss, financial strain, they raise children singlehandedly. We all know someone who fits this description, their resilience, strength, faith and courage to face their fears, and INSPIRE us to become better, and their life lessons can help guide others who find themselves in similar seemingly hopeless situations. We should be celebrating these extraordinary people and what they have to teach us – their life lessons on resilience and survival. Wouldn’t it be amazing if Jewish Life did a feature on these extraordinary people? There are so many stories of hope out there that are not being heard that could truly assist others who are in a dark place. We have Holocaust survivors whose stories are inspiring, we have ex-Arcadians who have overcome enormous odds to achieve unbelievable things, whose st