Jeune 1 | Page 11


The founder Yogi Bajhan came here to the US in the late 60s. Yoga also is considered by many guys to be a something chics practice. My first Kundalini Yoga class was very uplifting and I found out for real that most of what people were talking about was in fact legit. Being the critical person I am that led me to do further research as I still had some buring questions.

Most of that research has led me to a super positive place. There is a song called " The Body Electric" by Rush. The Electo Carido Gram is proof positive that our physical bodies hold and electrical charge. We Are not just static blobs of flesh and bone. Our spirtual existence is conected to our physical presence and how we take of those bodies refelcts in how we feel and live our lives. Most of us are in the pursuit of happines. Happines means differnet things to different people.

Some of us it is youth others money and the list goes on right!

In this series of articles on Yoga we will take a look at the many benifits from practicing Yoga. Both spirtual and physical. We will also look at Yoga from a medical and scientific point of view, that is to say just focusing on the benifits of physical health. I will also encouage you to take up a Yoga pracitce, now matter how young or old you are.

Flexibily and stenght have benifits for all ages. Have you ever traveled somewhere and felt that place just felt right. Well have you ever thought there is a reason for those feelings. Jeune Magazine is geared towards young guys and guys that still and want to feel young. There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of a healty youthfull body and lifestyle. I hope to show you how Yoga can keep you young and also help you recapture some youth if your a bit older.

Raj Shabad SIngh.