JEMUN 2019 Volume 3 | Page 54

dr. kenro taura

from kiko network

by Yuji Tsuki

Dr. Kenro Taura is an executive director of the NGO/NPO Kiko Network, and has been working in the field of climate change prevention since 1997. He has a master’s degree in Economics, a PhD in philosophy and has worked at the University of Gothenburg Sweden prior to his work in the organization.

He is responsible for coordinating local activities for energy conservation as well as promoting renewable energy by conducting symposiums and seminars. He writes and publishes for both academics and general readers based on his experiences at Kiko Network.

The Kiko Network was founded in 1998, a year after the Kyoto protocol was signed, in order to spread the awareness and promote actions against climate change at local and national levels. The organization is focusing on ‘policy proposal’, meaning the organization is not just demanding the government for changes in energy policies, but suggesting alternative policies as a third party. He emphasized the point that compared to other nations such Germany, Japan has not made significant achievements in the field of energy, and thus Japan “has to enhance climate change policies”.

The domestic activities that Kiko Network has been working on are; research & study, information dissemination, organizing seminars & symposiums, and campaigns for awareness. The Network also has partnerships with other organizations, including the City of Kyoto, Kansai EIectric Power Corporation, Miyako Ecology Center, as well as several schools and educational institutions.