JCC 2024 Winter/Spring Activity Guide Winter/Spring 2024 | Page 5

at the Weinstein JCC !

Family Theatre . The season ’ s first musical is Cabaret , a daring , provocative and exuberantly entertaining musical that explores the dark and heady life of bohemian Berlin and runs through December 17 . You may also join us for the theatrical production of Fires in the Mirror , a play about the tensions within diverse communities in the 1990s with lessons still necessary and relevant to today .
At the Weinstein JCC , we believe that when Jewish living transcends differences — in an increasingly diverse community including all ages , genders , race , abilities , faiths , and backgrounds — it creates a positive atmosphere in which anything can happen .
Keep up with what ’ s happening and learn more and register for something fun at weinsteinjcc . org .
Weinstein JCC • 2024 Winter / Spring Activity Guide 5