Javea Grapevine Issue 178 - LARGE FONT EDITION | Page 63

www.learn-aprender.blogspot.com.es www.facebook.com/LearnAprender Reflexive Verbs The first reflexive verb we usually use is llamarse- to call oneself / to be called. So we’re already fairly familiar with the concept. DOING IT TO YOURSELF! LLAMARSE (Yo) (Tú) (Él/Ella) pronoun Me Te Se conjugated verb llamo llamas llama (Nosotros/as) (Vosotros/as) Nos Os llamamos llamáis (Ellos/Ella) Se llaman I call myself You call yourself He/she calls him/ herself We call ourselves You all call yourselves They call themselves In use, the ‘se’ at the end of the full form of the verb is taken off & moved around to the beginning & then changed to ‘fit’ the person – & the rest of the verb is then conjugated in the usual way. ¿Cómo te llamas? = What do you call yourself? Me llamo Carlos.   = I call myself Carlos These verbs are only used when talking about someone doing something to themselves. Take the verb LAVAR. That would be used when discussing washing something – a car for instance: Lavas el coche – you wash the car. You would use LAVARSE when describing someone washing themselves, or part of their body. Lynn Cobb