Javea Grapevine 338 | страница 3

Editorial Gaile Griffin Peers With Brussels, London (see p14), Madrid and Barcelona intent on filling all the papers, it was lovely to have the announcement of a UK royal wedding, to take attention away from politics for a minute. It reminded me of how popular Javea is for weddings and honeymoons. I thought that I would pop down to the Port this month, for our cover picture. The rainbow was a complete surprise and hopefully is a good sign for the festive holiday season, that is arriving so fast. This is the season for rapid climactic changes, of coats and cardis in the morning, Tshirt afternoons and wood fire evenings, so stay warm but enjoy the sunshine, the seasonal fare and the Christmas and New Year Fiestas as well as this issue and we will hope to see you in January. [email protected] G aile Jávea Grapevine (Internet) ISSN 2386-2823 Issue 338 Editor: Gaile Griffin Peers email: [email protected] movil: 681 001 300 www.javeagrapevine.com www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ J ávea Grapevine (a.k.a. as The Grapevine Spain) is Published in Jávea, Spain by Gaile Griffin Peers Marina Alta Business Club est. 2006 - X3061153Z In accordance with Ley 22/1987 de Noviembre, de Propiedad Intellectual (BOE no. 275) - All adverts, images & articles are copyright-protected and belong to/are the responsibility of their originators. Sources are normally clearly stated within the ac- companying text Invoices/post only - no visitors with- out appointment: Marina Alta Business Club, Calle Badalona, Jávea, 03737 España. Advertising responsibility: All advertisements are accepted and published on the understanding of the agency & advertiser that they are each authorised to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof and that they have complied with all the laws, governmental rules and regulations applicable to the purchase order and the placement in and publication of such advertisement by Jávea Grapevine. Advertisers and agents represent and warrant that their advertisements, contents and subject matter are in no way false, deceptive, misleading, fraudulent, libelous or defamatory, that they do not infringe on any privacy, intellectual property, or publicity right, or constitute or encourage a criminal offense, or are abusive, prohibited, illegal or objectionable, violate any legal duty under criminal or civil law, or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation of any kind. In consideration of the publication of advertisements, the advertisers and the agencies, jointly & severally, shall unconditionally indemnify Jávea Grapevine, its parent, and their directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, liability and expense (including reasonable legal fees) suffered or incurred by reason of any claims, proceedings or suits, including but not limited to, libel, violation of right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright infringement, fraud, negligence, or any other claims or suits based on the contents, subject matter, or publication of or otherwise on such advertisements. The liability of Jávea Grapevine for any act, error, or omission for which it may be held legally responsible shall not exceed the cost of the space ordered or occupied by the advertisement that is the basis of Jávea Grapevine’s liability. Jávea Grapevine shall not, in any event, be liable for any consequential damages, including lost income or profits. Jávea Grapevine disclaims all responsibility for errors in key numbers or the type set. Omission of insertion: Unintentional or inadvert- ent failure by Jávea Grapevine to print, publish or circulate advertising matter invalidates the insertion order for such matter, but shall not constitute a breach of contract or affect any earned discount. Please Note - Advertising matter may be cancelled by Jávea Grapevine at any time.