Javea Grapevine 336 | Page 64

August temperatures below freezing reported in three provinces The Old Town business association puts forward it’s “Sorolla project” Whilst on the Mediterranean and south coast, locals and holidaymakers bemoaned cloudy skies and the thermometer plunging to the low 20ºCs, parts of the north and centre of the mainland registered temperatures below freezing. The record was held by the town of Robleda-Cervantes in the province of Zamora, which backs onto northern Portugal, where Thursday night went down to -1.9ºC. Both Galicia and the centre-northern region of Castilla y León – which Zamora is part of – are typically cool and temperate in summer; although they regularly enjoy sunshine and figures of well over 30ºC between June and September. Their standard lows for August nights rarely go below 14ºC. ThinkSpain The Old Town Business Association “ Xàbia histórica” has put forward its “Sorolla project” for the development of the Old Town . It consists of ten proposals to revive and rejuvenate the Old Town. For details see: Xàbia Historica - 10 proposals Almost no chance of Meeting Paris Climate Goals, Warns Grim New Study Two degrees Celsius: That’s the global temperature increment scientists say the world must stay beneath to avoid the worst effects of climate change. But according to a study in the journal Nature Climate Change, the odds of us