Javea Grapevine 184 2016 Three | Page 20

DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS These are used to replace the ‘indirect object’. This is who (or what) the verb is being done TO. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN TO ME ME YOU TE HIM/HER/ IT LO/LA US NOS YOU-ALL OS THEM LOS/LAS It goes before the conjugated verb Juan buys the car- Juan compra el coche Juan buys it – Juan lo compra When two verbs are used, it can be placed before the conjugated verb OR tagged onto the end of a full form of the verb / infinitive or the gerund / ING Quiero comprar los zapatos– Los quiero comprar – Quiero comprarlos Estamos comprando las sábanas– Las estamos comprando – Estamos comprándolas NB. The pronoun can ONLY be tagged or