Jasmine's Place Issue No. 7 - September/October 2013 | Page 20

and shame, to recognize these feelings and face them. They are real emotions. It’s also necessary to understand that you are not alone. In 2007, I suffered a series of severe panic attacks which led to the diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder, along with panic and anxiety. This diagnosis led me on a step by step quest to find answers to the many questions I had regarding my past, choices I made, and things that had happened to me. I slowly began to recognize patterns in my life: 1. Always taking responsibility for others choices, behaviors, and feelings. 2. Putting things under the rug; never confronting. 3. Ignoring red flags in relationships. It took time for me to sort through the puzzle pieces of my life and begin to see the patterns I was in and why. This process wasn’t about blaming anyone or becoming a victim. In order to move forward in a positive way I had to accept and acknowledge certain things in my life, whether they were about me or someone else. There were several areas in my past that I had to confront and one of the hardest was my past choice of abortion. I have had three abortions. My first abortion happened when I was fifteen years old. At the time I had recently moved in with my mother and step father after living with my father and step mother since my parents divorce when I was five years old. My mother insisted I have an abortion, if I chose not to, I would have to go back to my father’s house and tell him. I felt trapped as neither option was something I wanted. The second abortion happened when I was eighteen years old. I was married and within six months of our wedding, I made the decision to get pregnant. I was battling guilt and shame over my earlier abortion and I thought having a baby would soften my husband and end the emotional, physical, and verbal abuse that plagued my marriage. I was wrong. I was faced once again with doing what others wanted me to do, in spite of what I wanted. My third abortion came several years later after my husband left and wanted a divorce. I was a single mom raising our five year old daughter. I found myself falling back into codependent behaviors. The moment I realized I was pregnant, I was gripped with fear of the consequences of being labelled as an unfit mother and set the appointment. But as I sat in the doctor’s office awaiting my turn I felt the immense weight of guilt and shame, wondering, “how did I get here?” JASMINE'S PLACE 20