Jasmine's Place Issue No. 7 - September/October 2013 | Page 10

My first love should be Christ. Every other relationship is secondary. If my relationship with Him is rocky, then all others will be challenged at best. So I have to sort out ours first. I’m not at the level of intimacy I desire; but it’s getting there. And the closer I get to God the more content and at peace I feel in my singleness. There’s no desperation. No depression. No anxiety over trying to find a man before (as I’ve been often warned) things “dry up”. If God does not allow it, then His purpose for my life will still be a fulfilling and enriching experience. Now, if Mr. Right-For-Nadia is actually on a divinely-orchestrated “go-slow”, I patiently (and happily) wait . God’s timing is perfect. I can’t stress how much so. Didn’t always acknowledge that fact, of course, but I believe that with my whole heart. He knows best who will enhance my life and vice versa. His desire is that my earthly relationship glorifies Him and reflects the commitment and selfless love He and I should share. For that kind of relationship I am willing to wait. Don’t think I’ve reached this level of contentment overnight. Introspection, words of counsel (heard and read), prayer, and more prayer did that. That prayer aspect it is a balm for the soul. My first love should be Christ. Every other relationship is secondary. If my relationship with Him is rocky, then all others will be challenged at best. So I have to sort out ours first. I’m not at the level of intimacy I desire; but it’s getting there. And the closer I get to God the more content and at peace I feel in my singleness. There’s no desperation. No depression. No anxiety over trying to find a man before (as I’ve been often warned) things “dry up”. Have you ever felt that God just JASMINE'S PLACE 10