Pastor Morris gave me a solemn look
as he patted my shoulder.
"Betty and I are praying for you. Just
this morning I asked the Lord why
you guys, why this, but for now, I
don't know the answers. But we
both know the One who does."
"Thanks Pastor. This is when God
does His best work because we have
no options left. If He's going to
produce the total and complete
victory He promised us when this
insurance mess happened, well, it's
go time."
My husband, the choir director,
walked on stage, signaling the start
of the service. Pastor Morris smiled.
"Speaking of go, best get up on the
platform. I believe this joint service
with Victory Assembly will be extra
anointed tonight."
Pastor bounded up the platform
steps while I took an aisle seat. The
extra bleachers were out that night
to accommodate not only our choir,
but the Victory singers joining us for
the special evening service.
As great as the blended harmonies
sounded, my mind danced with the
one two combo of fear and worry.
Fourteen months prior our
daughter's medical team prescribed
intensive therapy for Grace. A year
full of pulmonary distress left her
delayed in all areas. Months after triweekly physical, speech and
occupational therapy, the insurance
company sent us a letter saying all
therapy after the first month was
Right then and there I felt the Holy
Spirit promise me this would end in a
total and complete victory.
The verse I clung to through three
levels of appeals was out of
Deuteronomy about getting off the
same mountain. Our family was tired
of the sickness and trials. We
believed God to be victorious in this.
Even when local politicians wrote me
to confess there wasn't anything
they could do, I just held on.
Months after tri-weekly
physical, speech and
occupational therapy,
the insurance company
sent us a letter saying all
therapy after the first
month was denied.