Articulate your idea: You have to be
able to bring your idea from your
thoughts to paper. When something
is written down, it makes it more
tangible than a thought. What is the
purpose of your idea, its vision, why
do you think your idea is needed and
what would be its benefits?
Is this idea already in the system?
We know that there is nothing new
under the sun, however God is in the
business of giving us ideas that have
never been thought of before. Even if
your idea is already been used, you
may have something to enhance
what is already in the system. Do a
thorough investigation of your idea,
check to see if it has been used and
how, if possible your idea can
enhance an already established
Patent your idea: Once you’re sure
that your idea is an original, don’t
waste time, patent it. This is a legal
requirement for all new ideas and it
protects you and prevents others
stealing your idea.
Create a prototype of the idea: Your
idea must be tested and the best way
to do so is to create a sample first.
Introduce your idea in the market:
This is where you can test your idea;
look at ways of developing it further
as well as introducing samples in the
market to see its viability and need.
Majority of the testing in the market
place requires speaking about it,
promoting it, creating awareness etc.
Jacqueline Ani is an
author, lecturer,
inspirational speaker;
transformational leader
mentor and founder of
Empowered Woman Ltd
& The Mentoring
Academy. To find out
more please go to