A key word in the definition of
hospitality is generous. Jesus wants
us to be intentionally generous with
each other, viewing each other as
fellow heirs of the kingdom, brothers
and sisters, not as merely someone
we sit next to in a Sunday service
once a week. (stretch) out
If your beloved brother or sister had
a need - physical, spiritual, or
emotional, what length would you go
to in order for this need to be met?
This is also the same with fellow
members of our faith community.
Our churches should be full of people
who have met every need supplied
by one another. If my parents noticed someone sitting
alone in our church around a holiday,
they would invite them to come and
be with us. It might be surprising to
find out how many people accepted
our invitations over the years. For this
reason, we were exposed to a
beautiful side of heaven on earth.
People who spoke different languages,
and people who ate different foods,
were able to come together to adore
the One who came for all of humanity.
Maybe that is why Jesus said that
mutual love is what would be our
defining trait. Love is the foundation
of biblical hospitality and true
community. Jesus desires that we
respond to our poor and broken-
hearted sisters and brothers.
Disciples will take on the
responsibility to be present in
difficult circumstances.
1 Peter 4: 10 reads, “Above all else
keep on loving one another
earnestly, since love covers a
multitude of sins. Show hospitality to
one another without grumbling. As
each has received a gift, use it to
serve one another, as good stewards
of God’s varied grace […] In Koine
Greek, the language the New
Testament was originally written in,
the word translated as “earnestly” is
ektenace and is from the verb ektino
which means to extend or to reach
In this sentence it is used as an
adjective to describe the way Jesus
says we should love each other. What
better time of the year to reach out
with the gifts God has given us as
gracious hosts, but Christmas?
We should be stretching out our
hands, reaching with our hearts, and
extending all of the blessings God has
given us to bless too. We are blessed
to be a blessing!
Haley Pridgen is a certified Holistic Nutritionist,
as well as a certified Health and Wellness
Consultant. Combined with her undergraduate
degree in Missional Ministries, she started Taste
& See as a ministry to care for the human body in
the holistic manner that we were created in.
Taste & See offers a variety of services such as
nutrition coaching, meal plans, grocery delivery,
writing, nutrition education, and are expanding
to products in the months to come. Her heart is
that we would worship Him mind, body, and
spirit and it is her joy and honor to offer
community to those who are desiring support
along the way.
Visit her at https://totasteandsee.com/