For a long while I had experienced an
angst in my heart regarding my life,
my gifts and calling. There was
something more I felt, that I had
been created for. I took this matter
to prayer... I can remember saying
hundreds of times, "Lord, I know
there is more You have created me
for, but I don't know exactly what it
is!" I was fully convinced this
yearning for something more had
been placed in my heart by God.
It was during this, that the Lord
spoke that one word to me.
So, began my "season" of learning
about hope. I think the most
important lesson I learned was how
to correctly think and process things.
The people closest to me know I tend
to be very analytical, a "processor."
All the issues of my life had to go
through the rigors of my mental
processes and be weighed and
examined from all angles. It was
exhausting. Maybe you can relateā¦
What I had to learn was that for me,
hope had to begin with
Perspective on
H.O.P.E. I learned when I applied His
omnipotent perspective to my
situation, desires, and even my angst,
I could really tap into the mind of
Christ! I learned how to apply His
ways as a filter to whatever was
going on. Let me just tell you - that
was so liberating!
You see, His perspective is always
hope-filled because He is
omnipotent, all-powerful, supreme,
almighty. He is power over all
circumstances, situations, emotions,
you name it. I learned that if I abide
in Him, things will always work out
for the best...because His plans are
designed to give all who are His, a
future and... a Hope!
From there, hope became my
cherished life word because when I
began to process things from the
King's perspective, (which always has
eternity in mind) there was no way to
go back... It was sight received after
years of blindness. It drew and
continues to draw me closer to Him
than I ever knew possible.
An intimacy deepened, and a
threshold was crossed, that
transformed me and in some ways,
set me apart. I found myself set apart
from old affections, desires, and
ways of life... Yes, even things of my
earlier Christian life...