Jasmine's Place Issue No. 18 - May/June 2017 | Page 34

Allow yourself to enjoy a small portion of one treat. Notice I did not say enjoy a small portion of everything.  If you’ve looked forward to your Grandma’s pineapple upside down cake every summer for the last 15 years, but feel you must completely deprive yourself this year, you are setting yourself up for negative thinking which usually leads to negative behaviors. Let yourself have a small piece! Do not shame yourself or allow yourself to feel guilty for enjoying it. Savor every bite. Get creative! I want you to realize there are so many great ways to make healthier versions of your party favorites. Why not make a healthier version and bring it to share with your loved ones? All things are done best when done in community, and that remains true for nutrition as well. Practically apply your creative ideas. Fruit based desserts-popsicles, smoothies, and even cookies, are naturally sweet and require less (if any added sugar.) You can use Greek yogurt to make a healthier version of mayonnaise. And many vegetables like cauliflower and spaghetti squash can provide lower carb, and more nutrient dense options for rice, salads, and pastas. Everything may not come out perfect the first try, but don’t let that become an excuse to quit. Cake: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cookingforgeeks/4058026001 34 JASMINE'S PLACE Practically apply your creative ideas. Fruit based desserts- popsicles, smoothies, and even cookies, are naturally sweet and require less (if any added sugar.) You can use Greek yogurt to make a healthier version of mayonnaise. And many vegetables like cauliflower and spaghetti squash can provide lower carb, and more nutrient dense options for rice, salads, and pastas. Everything may not come out perfect the first try, but don’t let that become an excuse to quit.