Jasmine's Place Issue No. 17 - March/April 2017 | Page 38

WATCH YOUR CASH FLOW When you start a business, money may be tight. It is not unusual for you to be unable to draw a salary from the business for a considerable amount of time or at least until things stabilise So it’s a good idea for you to have put enough money aside to tide you over for at least a year before you start the business and you must be disciplined with whatever money you have coming in. 4 SYSTEMS ARE KEY! One important thing to note is that very early on, you must put systems in place to ensure that your business is not dependant on your physical presence in an office for it to succeed. If it is, I would suggest that you have not created a business- you have created a job- the very thing that you were probably trying to escape from when you started the business in the first place! BONUS TIP 5 Successful entrepreneurs have certain character traits that you must develop if you want to succeed in business. One of them is the ability to work hard. 6. DEVELOP A MIND-SET FOR SUCCESS There is a saying that “if a man says that he can or if he says that he can’t, both times, he’s right! The Bible puts it in a similar way “whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!” It is extremely important that you believe in yourself and your ability to succeed in business, because your belief system impacts everything you do and indeed the way you do it. Bebe Clement is the author of ‘How to go from employee to entrepreneur’, available for £12.99 on Amazon or on her website: www.bebeclement.com You can get her book at the reduced rate of £10.00 if you order from her website and quote the code, “JP” 38 JASMINE'S PLACE