Jasmine's Place Issue No. 16 - August 2015 | Page 30

pounding to the equivalent of a thoroughbred after the Kentucky Derby . This was the day ! She had one chance to pitch her story . Just one shot .
“ O ’ Lord , I know You ’ re there . Yep . You always are . You never forsake or desert , so please … help me here . I want to get this story out into the movies . This screenplay I ’ ve written is a winner . Lord - my legs are shaking and I ’ ve lost my voice after that loud shriek earlier . Restore me and guide me in this hard procedure , Lord .”
“ I ’ ve only about 30 minutes . Think you ’ ll be joining me anytime soon ?” The thunderous voice seemed out of place for the diminutive man standing before Camille with hands-on-hips .
“ Okay . Yes Mr . Mills . I believe I ’ ve gathered all the paperwork that only seconds ago looked to be a part of your decorative rug .” She laughed awkwardly as she scooted past Mr . Mills to enter the huge ornately decorated office .
Her chance after months of laborious editing and empty sleepless nights . The opportunity of a lifetime .
Her heart became a percussive organ as it pounded excessively . Camille ’ s dreams of turning her book into a movie might actually come to fruition . At first it was difficult to turn her novel into a screenplay , but somehow God ’ s love and guidance brought her through it . She knew it was right when she felt the warmth of His
presence .
“ I ’ ve got it right here Sir .”
Mr . Mills sat as straight as a board while he listened . His vacuous stare made it impossible to ascertain his thoughts or feelings . But , Camille trudged on , determined to present her beloved screenplay . She knew she had someone in her corner that was in control . Someone bigger than anyone or anything , and He was the catalyst for the story .
She drew a deep cleansing breath and began …
“ It ’ s a story about love Mr . Mills …”
Story first published at : http :// www . faithwriters . com / wcarticle-level4-previous . php ? id = 50673 Visit CD Swanson at : http :// www . cdswanson . com www . faithwriters . com www . knittedtogetherbygod . com
Photo : Dean Hochmann - https :// flic . kr / p / hMJnnU