Jasmine's Place Issue No. 15 - February 2015 | Page 19
After the devastating earthquake, Bobby and Sherry knew God intended for
them to help the nation of victims recover. Partners of Love A Child provided
more than 500 new, permanent homes for the displaced victims of the
earthquake, in what is now known as Miracle Village. The new beginning for
these more than 2000 people is truly a miracle as many of the new residents
now have more than they ever had before the earthquake. Now they have hope
and a home, their own school, a medical clinic, wells, playground, a church and
Miracle Village
Bobby and Sherry obeyed the vision
given to them from God that would
continue to thrust Love A Child into
the ultimate stage of helping Haiti’s
people - development for
sustainability. A new regional
marketplace to help boost the local
economy was conceived in addition
to seven other sustainable
development projects. Each of the
eight interrelated elements for
sustainability work together to
provide long-term employment and
income opportunities, increase local
food security, and reduce Haitian
dependence on outside resources.
Love A Child’s marketplace, Gwo Maché Mirak, provides employment in support of
more than 800 businesses. In addition to the marketplace, are programs including
an agricultural training center, which offers monthly farming classes, produces a
radio talk show, and spreads critical agricultural reform awareness throughout
various communities in Haiti. Other programs include the reforestation program, as
well as an edible plant nursery, which offer realistic ways to improve the
countryside, improving the soil and the environment, and providing plants that are
rich in nutrients. The chicken co-op and tilapia fish farm projects also encourage
new businesses, providing meaningful income, and adding affordable chicken and
fish protein to family meals
God has shown His faithful favor upon the people of Haiti through the selfless work
of Bobby and Sherry Burnette and Love A Child, who have made a lifestyle out of
showing that “Love is not something you just talk about, but Love is something you
do…” Find out more about this great work at http://www.loveachild.com
Updated from Issue No. 4.