Japanese Akita Inu Club (UK) 2012 Spring | Page 4

2012 APDT Lecture Series : Hypothyroidism & Vaccine Protocol With W . Jean Dodds , DVM
Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune disease are 2 issues that owners of the Japanese Akita Inu breed should be aware of . It is a known problem both within the American Akita breed and has already started to show up in the Japanese Akita Inu . It should be of particular interest to the Japanese Akita Inu breeders and owners as there is a high proportion of recently imported dogs and the breed is still in the early stages of development . There are known cases of Auto-immune and Thyroid disease in Japanese Akita Inus in both the UK and Europe , therefore care should be taken that this problem is identified and steps taken to reduce the incidence as much as possible and that breeders are open about the risks and potential for these issues , while recognising that there are no guarantees when breeding . Only by being open and honest will we avoid it becoming a real problem in the future of the breed .
Due to the potential difficulty in diagnosis , it is a condition that is easily missed when the symptoms are minor . The typical symptoms are often overlooked or mis-interpreted as a different disease . This can lead to the problems being under-estimated until it ’ s prevalent .
We would encourage as many people as possible to attend the seminar as it should be an interesting and informative day .
The venue for the 2012 APDT Lecture Series is the Hilton Manchester Airport Hotel which has excellent conference facilities and is located near Manchester Airport . Details and Booking form can be found on the Japanese Akita Inu website : http :// www . japaneseakita-inu . co . uk / Files / PDF / Jean % 20Dodds . pdf .
This year we are very fortunate to have Dr . Jean Dodds present a day on Hypothyroidism . This will be a day not to be missed for anyone working with dogs in training , behaviour and veterinary practice .
Those of us who have been affected by Hypothyroidism in our dogs know it is very difficult to find a UK vet who is attuned to this all too common problem and even more difficult to get blood work done to the detail that is needed to make a proper diagnosis .
Dr . Dodds is a leading expert in the testing and diagnosis of thyroid problems . She has also been a strong campaigner to change the vaccination protocol in the US and had been instrumental in achieving changes in revaccination schedules . Come join us for an interesting and informative day which will give you much to think about and new ideas with which to go forward into the dog training world .
Seminar Topics Thyroid Disease Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder of dogs , and up to 80 % of cases result from an autoimmune disease that progressively destroys the thyroid gland ( autoimmune thyroiditis ).
Vaccine Issues Modern vaccine technology has permitted us to protect companion animals effectively against serious infectious diseases . However , the challenge to produce effective and safe vaccines for the prevalent infectious diseases of animals has become increasingly difficult . In veterinary medicine , evidence implicating vaccines in triggering immune-mediated and other chronic disorders ( vaccinosis ) is compelling .
Nutrition Wholesome nutrition is key to maintaining healthy immune function and resistance to disease . Discussion will focus on the basic ingredients and trace vitamins , minerals , and immune-balancing nutrients that promote healthy endocrine and immune function as they apply to health and disease .
Links :
Thyroid testing by Jean Dodds DVM : http :// www . hemopet . org /
A collection of excellent Thyroid related articles : http :// www . itsfortheanimals . com / THYROID-ARTICLES . HTM