JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine OCTOBER ISSUE 2016 #Issue 17 | Page 34

JAPAN-AFRICA TICAD VI INTERVIEW 日本とアフリカのパートナーシップを新たなレベルへ JAPAN-AFRICA— ELEVATING THE PARTNERSHIP TO THE NEXT LEVEL MR. SHUNSUKE TAKEI PARLIAMENTARY VICE-MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS MEMBER, THE HOUSE OF THE REPRESENTATIVES INTRODUCTION Mr. Shunsuke Takei sat down with JAPAN and the WORLD to elaborate on the need to invest in Africa’s social infrastructure as well as in manufacturing industries and human resources development. JAPAN and the WORLDは武井俊輔氏とアフ リカの社会基盤、並びに製造産業や人材育 成に対する投資の必要性について意見を交 わした。 34 // OCTOBER 2016 Mr. Takei, you were recently appointed to a post in charge of African Affairs. What is your opinion on the current relations between Japan and Africa? And what do you think are the main issues Japan faces in realizing the commitments made at the TICAD VI? Despite an increasing population, Africa continues to achieve growth and abundance in natural resources. During my last visit there, I was once more reminded of this. Politically and economically, Africa is an important partner for Japan. At the same time, it faces issues such as poverty, economic inequalities as well as terrorism and conflicts. The first Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD I) was launched in 1993 in order to address these predicaments. I feel that Japan has since then, consistently led efforts by the international community to address Africa’s developmental issues. Thanks to the TICAD initiative, the relationship between Japan and Africa has developed favorably and in this sense, I believe this is an important mechanism for both parties. For the very first time, this year’s TICAD VI convention was held on the African continent. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was also in attendance, announced that over the next three years, Japan would provide human resource development for 10 million people JAPAN AND THE WORLD MAGAZINE