JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine OCTOBER ISSUE 2016 #Issue 17 | Page 31

TICAD VI PRESS REVIEW メディアが見た第6回アフリカ開発会議 (TICAD VI) THROUGH THE EYES OF THE MEDIA TEXT: MARC BÉLIVEAU INTRODUCTION Half of the media presence was from Japan. This event was one of the largest gatherings of Japanese journalists in Africa. メディア関係者の半数が日本から であり、 アフリカにおいて日本人ジ ャーナリストが集う最大の会議の 一つであった。 TICAD VI: HOW THE MEDIA REACTED TICAD VI ENJOYS A POSITIVE IMAGE: The “TICAD process” has been reported widely and positively all across African media. Influential magazines such as the Nairobi’s Daily Nation newspaper sum up the Conference with headline: “Japan proves it’s a true friend of Africa, Kenya shows it was up to the task”. Its competitor The Standard wrote: “Record 73 deals signed in bid to boost Africa-Japan trade”. S EVERAL AFRICAN MEDIA OUTLETS, including the All African news platform, used headlines such as “TICAD VI: Excellent Opportunities for Business”. This reflected the high level of excitement generated by this event. JAPAN and the WORLD magazine has produced a TICAD Edition that was largely distributed during the Conference in Nairobi. In an interview published in Jeune Afrique weekly magazine, Mr. Hiroshi Kato, vice-president of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) said “TICAD VI is the largest conference on development in the world in general and that of Africa in particular, to be organized after the four major events held in 2015-16.” Holding TICAD VI in Africa for the first time was also an initiative welcomed by the Japanese media. The Japan Times wrote “holding this important event in Africa was a clear recognition that Africa has come of age for mutually profitable partnerships with Japan and the rest of the world. This is attested by a confluence of factors that have seen Africa transforming from a discredited continent to the new frontier of global trade and investment.” JAPANESE DISTINCTIVE APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENT: Japan seeks to differ with the other players on the continent by placing emphasis on high quality infrastructure. According to Le Point Afrique (France): “the challenge for Japan at TICAD VI is clearly to stand out from the perspective of what’s offering its Chinese neighbor.” After long shunned the continent as a trading partner, Japan intends to benefit from the diversification of African economies to seize opportunities in areas of excellence for Japan. JAPAN LISTS CONDITIONS FOR INVESTMENT IN AFRICA: African governments have been asked to strengthen their laws and abolish excessive regulations if they want to attract Japanese investment. Japan’s Prime Minister Abe called African governments to create a safe business environment, guarantee peace and security and reduce red tape. The Guardian (Nigeria) newspaper reported that Nigeria’s President Buhari promised “to implement policies and measures to create right and enabling environment for business and investors in Nigeria”. The President maintained that his administration was committed to moving up Nigeria’s ranking of the World Bank’s ease of doing business index 20 places in first year. JAPAN AND THE WORLD MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2016 // 31