JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine JULY ISSUE 2015 #Issue 12 | Page 5

EDITORIAL A trip to Africa ON THE COVER Mr. Maruyama Norio, Director-General, African Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), H.E. Mr. Belmiro José Malate, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mozambique SPECIAL THANKS TO ZIMBABWE GOVERNMENT H.E. Mr. President Robert G. Mugabe President of Zimbabwe and Chairman of the African Union EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE H.E. Mr. Belmiro José Malate Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mozambique to Japan EMBASSY OF ETHIOPIA H.E. Mr. Markos Tekle Rike, Ph.D Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Japan EMBASSY OF BENIN H.E. Mr. Rufin Zomahoun Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Benin to Japan S ince Inter Media Japan was founded, the company has focused on promoting the relations between Japan and other nations around the world. This has been key to our general goal of enhancing Japan’s internationalization through our multiple media services. It is for this reason that we have decided to rename our magazine Japan and the World. This new name will help us emphasize our company’s philosophy, as well as contribute to the connection, creation and sharing of business, political and cultural ties. This July issue is taking you to Africa! The African continent has always been on my radar, thus visits were made to Djibouti and Ethiopia earlier this year. We ultimately chose two topics from a wide array, Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) and natural resources. Our cover story on TICAD's new dynamics will give you insight on the constantly and positively evolving nature of the Japan-Africa relationship. Furthermore, our exclusive interview with President Mugabe in Sendai during the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction will showcase his views on the African Union and the collective efforts on disaster prevention. Africa is complex; home to the fastest growing economies and a privileged destination for innovation and entrepreneurship. Japan and the World is not done introducing the fascinating challenges and numerous opportunities Africa has to offer. Bonne lecture! EMBASSY OF BOTSWANA H.E. Mr. Jacob Dickie Nkate Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Botswana to Japan EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI H.E. Mr. Ahmed Araita Ali Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Djibouti to Japan ALSO THANKS TO Mr. Maruyama Norio, Director-General, African Affairs Department, MOFA / Ms. Fumiko Hayashi, Mayor of the City of Yokohama / Mr. Hirobumi Iida, Director of Trade and Investment Facilitation Division, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Mr. Graham Hopwood, Executive Director of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) / Mr. Suzuki Hisashi, Deputy Director of the Latin America and the Caribbean Division / Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Col. Wais Omar Bogoreh, Commander of the Djibouti Coast Guard / Embassy of Togo / Embassy of Angola / H.E. Mr. Loukas Karatsolis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Greece to Japan / Embassy of Angola / H.E. Mr. Mohamed El Amine Bencherif, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to Japan Photography by Japan and the World magazine Publisher: Inter Media Japan K.K. Editor-in-chief: Pia von Waldau Managing Editor: Aga Charytoniuk Art Director: Romain Gaullier Creative Designer: Aude Boyer Contributors: Mizuho Ota, Adam Faulford, Arturo Danker Digital: Miwo Amemiya Advertising Sales: Publicitas Japan K.K. Printing: SHOBI Printing Co.,Ltd. Interns: Thibault Badenas, Yinka Olayinka, Mana Sanza, Jonas Manser Pia von Waldau Editor-in-chief イ ンター・メディア・ジャパンは創設以来、 日本と世界中の国々との関係促進に重点を置いていま す。 これは、 多様なメディアサービスを通じて日本の国際化を進めたいという、 われわれの全体 目標の中核となるものです。 このため、 誌名を Japan and the Worldに改めることといたしま した。 誌名変更により、 当社の企業哲学を強調するだけでなく、 ビジネス、 政治、 文化のつながり (connection)、 創造(creation)、 共有(sharing)に寄与することにもつながるでしょう。 7月号はアフリカ特集です。 私がアフリカを初めて訪れたのは5月、 訪問地はジブチとエチオピアでしたが、 実は 以前からアフリカ大陸のことは常に意識していました。 アフリカは話題に事欠きません。 カバーストーリーとして扱うテーマも非常に多く、 アフリカ開発会議(TICAD) と天然資源の二つのメイントピックに絞り込むまでには、 非常に苦しい思いをしました。 カバーストーリーでは、 TICADの新たなダイナミックな動きを取り上げており、 日本とアフリカの関係が常に前 向きに発展している様子をご紹介できると思っています。 さらに、 仙台市で開かれた第3回国連防災世界会議の会期中に、 ジンバブエのムガベ大統領が単独インタビュ ーに応じ、 アフリカ連合 (AU) と防災への総合的な取り組みについて、 大統領の考えを示しています。 アフリカは多様な地域です。 世界で最も経済成長のペースが速く、 イノベーションと起業家精神を育むには、 最 適の土地です。 Japan and the Worldは、 アフリカだから提供してくれる、 様々な機会や魅力ある課題をまだ まだ紹介し終わっていません。 Published three-monthly April · July 2015 LEGAL 免責事項 The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Japan and the World magazine, Inter Media Japan K.K., or its employees. The information set forth herein has been obtained or derived from sources believed by the author to be reliable. However, the author does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the information’s accuracy or completeness, it has been provided to you solely for informational purposes only. © 2015 Japan and the World magazine. All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Inter Media Japan K.K. Japan and the World magazine is a registered trademark of Inter Media Japan K.K. Inter Media Japan K.K. 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