JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine JULY ISSUE 2015 #Issue 12 | Page 25
The African Union secretariat, established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital
Credits: Selamta Magazine
its neighboring countries. The establishment
of COMESA fulfilled the requirement set by
the Preferential Trade Area for Western and
Southern Africa (PTA) to become a common
market. COMESA has 19 member states with
a population of over 450 million and it forms
a major market place for both internal and
external trading. Currently, the COMESA
is one of the most progressive regional
economic integration schemes in Southern
and Eastern Africa. IGAD was formed in 1986
with the mandate to deal with drought and
desertification in the Horn of Africa. Later,
IGAD would become a forum for regional
security and political dialogue. With the 1996
agreement in place, IGAD’s primary objective
switched to promoting joint development
strategies and gradually harmonizing macro-
economic policies in regard to trade, customs,
and natural resources; promoting the free
movement of goods, services, and people;
and the establishment of residence. Given
its achievement in political cooperation
and security matters in the region, IGAD
could be one of the more successful regional
integration schemes if the transition to
economic integration is fully materialized.
Currently, IGAD has seven members with a
total population of around 240 million and a
GDP of over USD 230 billion.
There are various factors that affect the speedy
process of regional as well as continental
integration. A major factor is the general lack
of proper infrastructure, transportation, and
communication necessary to integrate these
economies. The enormous landmass of Africa
requires road and railway infrast ructure,
which in turn require a huge investment that
is unaffordable to most countries in Africa.
The colonial legacy largely contributed to
these structural issues, as colonies were more
directly connected with the metropolitan
areas than their neighboring countries in
many respects. Overlapping memberships and
political differences have impeded progress of
many regional integration schemes in Africa,
particularly those in East Africa.
With all pending issues in fully integrating
its economy with the regional bloc, there is
an appreciable level of beneficial interactions
between Ethiopia and other COMESA member
states. As the host state of the African Union,
Ethiopia plays a leading role for the cooperation
and integration of African countries. Ethiopia
is connected with all its neighbors, including
the newborn nation of South Sudan, by road
transportation and fiber optics; moreover,
the construction of new railways that connect
Ethiopia with the main port cities of Djibouti
and Tadjoura are to be completed early next
year. There is also a national program to
construct railways towards other neighboring
countries in addition to the highways that have
already connected the sub-region.
of Africa, is also serving as a catalyst for wider
economic integration by connecting different
corners of the continent. In addition to Addis
Ababa Bole International Airport, Ethiopian
Airlines has established regional hubs in
Western and Southern Africa.
Ethiopia, in its utmost efforts to generate clean
energy and embrace light manufacturing, has
announced a strategy to reach the middle
income level for Climate Resilient Green
Economy Strategy and set a target for zero CO2
emission in 2025.
01. 26 countries
02. Population: 527 million
人口: 5億2700万人
03. GDP: USD 624 billion
GDP: 6,240億米ドル
04. Three RECs have signed a unified regional integration
policy agreement.
Ethiopian government’s current initiative
of exporting energy to the neighboring
countries has already begun in Djibouti and
Sudan; furthermore, the transmission line
and substations connecting with Kenya are
under construction. One of the frameworks of (OAU)に取って代わるのが狙いでした。アフリカ連
agreement with Sudan and Egypt has included
the importance of exporting electricity to such
countries from the new power project under
construction on the Nile River, which will
generate 6,000 megawatts of power. Such a
move seeks to lay the base for strong economic
integration in Eastern Africa. Ethiopian
Airlines, which has the biggest network inside リカ統合を確実にすることや、アフリカ解放を支援
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