JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine JULY ISSUE 2015 #Issue 12 | Page 23

AFRICA-JAPAN RESILIENCE JAPAN’S NATIONAL RESILIENCE STRATEGY 日本の国土強靭化計画 Chairman Miura giving a speech at the Japan Resilience Award ceremony ジャパンレジリエンスアワード表彰式で挨拶をする三浦会長 A fter the Second Abe Admi-nistration was inaugurated at the end of December 2012, Keiji Furuya was appointed the first Minister of State for Disaster Management, and the Advisory Committee on National Resilience (Disaster Prevention and Mitigation) was established in March 2013 under his supervision. In December 2013, the “Basic Act for National Resilience Contributing to Preventing and Mitigating Disasters for Developing Resilience in the Lives of the Citizenry” was approved by the government, and the National Resilience Promotion Headquarters (Director General: Prime Minister Abe) was set up as an organization to deal with related affairs. In June 2014, the government simultaneously approved the “Fundamental Plan for National Resilience” and the