January - June 2018 Cultural brochure final low res 2811 | Page 40
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Art History Sessions: Art History Sessions:
International &
Modern Scottish
Scottish Art NEW
Artists NEW Introduction to Ancestry
This six-week course first examines
international art movements then focuses
on Scotland’s contribution and responses
to them. Beginning with a brief story of art
and following through to the modern day,
you will gain a comprehensive knowledge
of key moments in art history.
Suitable for anyone who wants to learn
about International and Scottish art in
a fun and relaxed environment.
Duff Hall, Busby
Wednesdays 7 - 8.30pm
24 January – 28 February
£63.60 / £52.20 60yrs+ /
£32.40 concession
Beginning with Mackintosh and Art
Nouveau, this six-week class will teach
you about the work and impact of six
key modern Scottish artists.
Learn about their inspiration, influences
and practice in these relaxed art history
sessions. A perfect class for those looking
to learn – no prior knowledge required.
Eastwood House, Giffnock
Tuesdays 7 - 8.30pm
23 January – 27 February
£63.60 / £52.20 60yrs+ /
£32.40 concession
Family history is a hobby that is booming in
popularity and is becoming easier as more
records go online.
Our ‘Introduction to Ancestry’ sessions
introduce you to the Ancestry Library
Edition website which will give you access
to millions of records, allowing you to track
down those elusive ancestors.
These sessions are free, but booking is
essential. To find out more, and to book
your place, visit www.ercultureandleisure.
Interested in East Renfrewshire heritage?
Take a look at our online catalogue of
items in our heritage collection www.
Scottish Local
History Week
Saturday 3 – 10 March
Join us to celebrate Scottish Local History
Week. This year’s theme is education and
we have many exciting activities to help
you discover East Renfrewshire’s past.
Visit our website and follow us on social
media for details of all our events.
BOOK ONLINE AT www.ercultureandleisure.org/arts
OR CALL 0141 577 4956
Online Family History
for Fearties
Is a lack of knowledge of technology
stopping you accessing all the amazing
family history resources that can now
be found online. Then this new course
is perfect for you. Over a series of six
sessions you will gain the skills and
confidence that you need to use family
history websites.
Free, visit our website to book your place.
The Street Where I Lived
Travel back in time and explore places
from your past. Using a PC or tablet, we’ll
help you discover the online tools and
maps of the National Library of Scotland,
Google Street View and Google Earth.
You can visit old streets, cities and
countries from your childhood and years
gone by.
Bring your own Apple iPad or Android
tablet to the class, or use a library
computer on the day.
Mearns Library
Monday 5 March, 2 – 3.30pm
Free, book your place at your local library.
VISIT www.ercultureandleisure.org/heritage
OR CALL 0141 577 4956