euro news_news 25/02/2016 18:34 Page 2
uropean public broadcaster
alliance the EBU expressed
concerns as the European
Commission unveiled its proposals for
the future of UHF spectrum. According
to the EBU, these proposals place a
EBU opposes
heavy burden on broadcasters currently
investing and innovating on the Digital
Terrestrial Television (DTT) platform in
EBU head of European affairs Nicola Frank
described moving DTT services out of the
700MHz band by 2020 as “a major challenge”,
in particular for those Member States where
of DTT out of the 700 MHz band and required
DTT is the main platform to receive television,
sub-700 MHz frequencies to continue being
noting that in Europe, 250m people receive
used for TV broadcasting until 2030, with a
their television services through DTT.
review planned in 2025.
“Broadcasters will need to make costly
However, notes the EBU, the European