euro news_news 25/02/2016 18:35 Page 3
football,” he
criticism from
an article in
the New
suggested that
Sky’s dramas
had limited
figures, he
noted that
with its recent
drama The
Last Panthers,
in its first
who completely get the
week, just 16 per cent of its
content idea,” he declared,
consumption was live viewing.
revealing that in 2016, Sky
“The rest of it was through various
would be spending about £5
consumption methods our
billion on content, which
technology allows. We don’t care
included sports and
where, when or on what device the
entertainment, and said that
customer consumes the content,
it was not cutting
“We’ve got an we just want the customer engaged
entertainment budgets,
executive and with the content.”
despite the additional sums
He described the metric of
being paid for Premier League
‘Share of Viewing’ as “evil
team who
rights. “Our entertainment
incarnate”, making broadcasters
completely get “complete victims to the tyranny of
budgets are growing at a