January/February 2018 AQHA Digital_Website March_April_2018 | Page 29

If herbs can impact genes so significantly, how will herbs impact the Microbiome? Grazing animals (Herbivores) have a unique microbiota due to the fact that they have their head down grazing all day long, eating plants, fungi and ingesting enormous amounts of naturally occurring microbes. This feed becomes “compost“ for the microbiota (eco system) that exists in the horses GIT. The horse being a mono gastric (unlike Ruminants) are hind gut fermenters and require a simple high roughage diet (and a healthy soil with plenty of Microbes) to ensure that the conditions are perfect for the whole health of the horse. Nutritionally, the microbiota contribute to the overall nutritional profile of the horses as die off of microbes can provide essentials like Vitamin B12 and other enzymes that enable a better breakdown of the plant matter ingested. Recent research done in Australia with Dr David Wood has identified that “leaky gut” is a possible side effect of the unhealthy Microbiota in a horse. Leaky Gut is commonly understood in alternative human health as being the origin of many chronic diseases. Suggested Impacts on the Microbiota • Chemicals, worming paste and anti-biotics are the main considerations. • Lack of good simple roughage • An oversupply of rich hay, green grasses and too much fat and grain • Too many synthesised supplements (as extras or in the premixed feed) which I feel can change the Ph of the GIT, (imagine how too much fertiliser may impact the plants that you spread it on) • Over supply of pre-prepared feeds • Feeds that contain Genetically Modified Organisms Mineral supplements (they do not replace good food!) Supplements can be useful. High Oxalate pastures and supplements of magnesium and calcium is a good example. However, I find that when I am treating very unwell animals and people, removing supplements helps healing. Why? In researching this idea further I have come across some interesting ideas about synthetic supplements. Synthetically replicated natural substances are crystalline in structure,(in nature vitamins are never crystalline) and it is suggested that these kinds of supplements enter the system and can act like an antagonist, causing an inflammatory response. I have also found that clients who are too caring, and give an over dose of vitamin and minerals supplements seem to promote kidney problems and crystals in the bladder, causing all kinds of urinary tract problems. CATHERINE MCDOWELL is the senior Herbalist and Director of McDowells Herbal. McDowells Herbal has been an instrumental pioneer developing accessable herbal treatments to horse and dog owners in Australia for over 30 years. Catherine write s for many publications locally and abroad and will be a key note speaker at this years Equitana in Melbourne 2018. The last 20 years has seen major developments in Herbs and Food as an accepted course of treatment for Chronic Generational Ailments in people. Modern Medicine is keeping up with trends nowadays of people seeking an empowered solution to their health, and their families’ health. Most people these days also acknowledge that their pet is part of their family. Over this last 20 years, Catherine has maintained the ongoing development of their herbal treatment programs. Our clients are testimony to the care and consideration that we give each case, and the reliability of the treatment programs. This has enabled us to have many respected Veterinarians and General Practitioners from around the world work with us, and refer to us in many cases. Ongoing training and development within the practice is allowing us to find a new direction of integrating a time honoured classical herbal medicine with a more modern approach, as our patients are no longer in our backyard. Within this integration is a dedication to support General Medical Practitioners who wish to use Herbal Medicine as part of their patient options, and also Veterinarians , for the same reason. We treat people, horses, dogs and cats (as well as the odd elephant, camel and llama!) around the world each day.We currently have over 1500 human programs, and over 500 animal treatment programs. If you add this complication to the idea of a leaky gut, these crystalline particles are possibly moving through the wall of the intestine and causing inflammatory havoc. The profound affect this can have on systemic inflammation is in my opinion the main cause of significant health problems such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome and Laminitis, influencing my treatment protocols in the practice. At McDowells we only sell products which we would be happy to use on ourselves or our own animals. We only stock products which meet our rigorous standards based on ethical sourcing of ingredients, natural chemical free ingredients, a commitment to low environmental impact and sustainability, cruelty free, safe to use and demonstrated efficacy. In people you see this all time with fluid build-up and oedema. Lymphedema is one chronic condition that is well managed with diet and herbs. Scientific research for the presence of oedema in horses with laminitis. A Scottish researcher named Susan Kempson was one of the first to identify a new theory of the initial event in the pathogenesis of laminitis. McDowells – the trusted name in herbal medicine for over 30 years. Up until the presentation of Susan’s research it was assumed that laminitis was caused by the restriction of blood to the What we don’t sell says as much about our philosophy as what we do. You can get in contact with McDowell Herbal via their website, facebook page or phone: Mcdowellsherbal.com https://www.facebook.com/mcdowellsherbal/ Clinic 02 6332 6799 Dispensary 6331 3937 61 Corporation Ave Bathurst 2795 March • April • 2018 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • Page 29